Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dont keep holding on!


Today I met an old friend of mine and she had this story to tell... about a guy she knew for a long time...who she liked...loved...who loved her too but not for eternity. The pain  and anguish was visible on her face. The tremor in her voice when she spoke of what was, now, the past betrayed her calm and composed exterior. What got to me was not her ache- for don’t we all know that heartbreak inevitably brings with it hurt and torture, won’t we just end up doubting the authenticity of our feelings if we felt no pain.
So what did get to me was that slight ray of hope that still brought the rose to her cheeks and the twinkle to her eyes.  The fact that still she spent every waking moment trying to relive the past and every dream of hers was filled with scenarios of what could have been. That she thought of him in every instance and every happening whether big or small... that she still kept holding on.
The problem when bonds of love are severed is the difficulty of acceptance of the same. The need to want and be wanted in return is too huge for us to let go within a matter of days. But isn’t that the thing about break ups- that one is forced to break out of the habitual and  commence the difficult process of conforming to the new. That one has to seek happiness in “me” rather than the “us”. Relationships are all about being together. Its the break ups that spark the search for individuality, the will to exist independently.
In her case too, she did not know how to live with herself. She felt that they both were pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly thereby becoming whole. What she did not know that every person is a puzzle in itself. And one should fit together perfectly his own pieces and not seek refuge in other’s riddle. Become whole yourself and only then you will fit with the other.